
From evidence of prehistoric inhabitants to the tracks of the Oregon Trail, our region contains a variety of cultural resources (evidence or places of past human activity). Studying them helps us understand the past.


  • 考古遗址
  • 历史建筑及构筑物
  • 工件
  • 历史性的土地
  • 传统文化土地

The professionals in hg8868皇冠下载’s Archaeology and Cultural Resources Program help care for these resources in the areas we serve. Their roles include identifying and cataloging cultural resources that could be impacted by our operations, preserving historic structures (including some of our own) and working with federal, state and local agencies to comply with laws governing the protection of historically significant sites and artifacts.

We manage and protect nearly 2,000 sites in our service area.




一些法则, 规定, and executive orders help protect and preserve archaeological and architectural resources.